Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Write Something !!!

This program that I enrolled, surely one of a bunch of decision that i really gratefull for.
I learned, made friends, improved my self confidence (hey, i am the BEST like BEST in this class), ooohhh wish everything will get better and brighter from now...

Thus, i finally know how limited my knowledge, my experience regarding this field.
Why... I just don't get why i stucked myself in the coy that made me unable to learn all of these years... I just - gratefull.

Some says that i'm a dreamer - chronic dreamer.
I have my life - smart, beautiful but still i'm hoping for something that i know - logically - that forbidden to hope for. And stupid , though it sound , i'm going for it anyway...
Losing my sense, throwing my straight life, run for forbidden love.

Wuuffgh, did I say - Love ?
I' surely don't know what love is.
I just feel so happy when he's around. So light. So playful.

Okay, okay, let's cut this crap.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

stay or not to stay

It's just - difficult !

Knew, knowing - he will never like ever leaving the W.
Why ? 'cuz she is his wiffy, stupidzzzzzz
So, why we still doing this ? Why I am still doing this ?

I surely wanna know